Today we launched our new brand. It's a big milestone on a journey which brings together three of the best independent B2B agencies of the last twenty years: The Marketing Practice, Kingpin, Omobono.
Our ambition here is big: we want to redefine the way B2B services are delivered. Both in the way we work with our clients, and in the experience for our teams working as part of a B2B agency.
Which is why we’re using the opportunity of bringing together these agencies to rethink the traditional agency models, to cut through silos and build stronger, more outcome-focused partnerships with our customers. We’re now able to help our clients drive growth from brand awareness right the way through the funnel to account based marketing, supporting sales to close deals and beyond to customer lifecycle marketing.
Just as importantly, we’re investing heavily in building a culture that fosters diversity, vulnerability and psychological safety. Because only then can our people really be great partners to our clients.
We’re proud as punch of how the brand has come together, and it gives us a chance to practice what we preach.
That starts by being distinctive. We want the brand to be fun and playful because, well, it makes people smile to see our logo grow hair and get barraged by ducks. It can be premium too but, if you want to build brand fame, the first two jobs are to get noticed and be remembered. And if you make people smile, you’re halfway there.
We will measure all the usual things, and we’ll share what we learn as we go: share of search and share of voice, brand tracking, leading indicators like web traffic and inbound leads. The commercial indicators of a good brand too – organic growth, net revenue retention, new business performance.
But the yardstick by which we will ultimately measure success will be the success of the whole transformation project, and the way the experience of working with us, as a customer and as part of the team, continues to improve year on year.
For now, we must settle for more prosaic measures and follow the evidence which we believe points the way for brand building in B2B.
And that starts by having some fun. Here’s to a bright future for B2B.