
We’re working hard to reduce our impact on the planet

Our environmental mission

To manage and reduce our environmental impact, ensuring both our own and the wider marketing industry's successful transition to a Net Zero economy.


We believe that marketing organizations have an important role to play in tackling the climate crisis, and that starts at home, here in our own business. We are committed to reducing our environmental impact and getting to net-zero through science-based reduction strategies, rather than simply offsetting.

Our 2024 sustainability goals and strategy

We need to begin by examining where we are, in order to make effective changes.

Refine the data

We are working to enhance the granularity of our current emissions data to paint an accurate picture of where we are.

Set targets

Our targets for achieving Net Zero will be science-based and we will develop an effective emissions reduction plan to achieve them.

Engage the wider industry

We are working with clients and wider industry stakeholders, to help them to reduce their media and marketing emissions.

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Getting to Net Zero

We are in the process of establishing a science-based target for achieving Net Zero in our business. We aim to be a Net Zero business long before minimum government requirements (which vary by region), but we also want to make sure our targets are science-based and accompanied by a tangible reduction plan, and not just hot air (excuse the pun).

A business like ours is relatively low-emission, so it would be cost-effective to simply pay to offset our emissions and call ourselves 'Net Zero' overnight. However, whilst offsetting is part of a Net Zero strategy, reduction is more impactful to tackling the climate crisis, so that’s where we are focusing our energy.

When we have our reduction targets and strategy agreed, we will publish more here.

Our initial benchmark

Working with Carbon Responsible, in 2023, we benchmarked our emissions for the first time to understand our impact on the planet. We want to be transparent and share these figures as we work to reduce them.

Download our benchmarking report

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Tracking our campaigns

We worked with Neste, the world’s leading producer of sustainable aviation fuel, to track the environmental impact of a multi-channel media campaign. Watch the video to find out what we discovered. 

A huge thank you to Clara Lee, VP Global Brand at Neste, who talks through the campaign with our Media Director, Jade Oseman.


Helping the wider B2B marketing industry

In collaboration with Carbon Responsible, we commissioned an independent audit into our own brand launch. The insights we discovered are valuable to any marketer looking to reduce the impact of their advertising activities.
Download the report for key takeaways on working with suppliers and getting the data, as well as a framework of actions to take into your next campaign.

Download the report

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Our Environment Team

We have a team of passionate people across the business who are leading our sustainability efforts. This includes data analysts, creative thinkers and communications experts. The team is open for anyone to join and a great way for our employees to contribute to a cause they care about.

We also have exec-level sponsorship to ensure that our environment strategy is a core part of who we are as a business.

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